Friday, 17 April 2015

Series I Won't Finish

I've decided to make a blog post about all the series I don't plan on finishing at the moment. Recently I went through my book shelves to clear them up a bit and it suddenly hit me that life is too short to waste time on books you're not invested in, and that you shouldn't waste money on book series like that but save it for new authors, ideas and so on instead. It made me feel much better about making the decision not to finish these particular ones. Sorry if some of these are your favourite books, I'm not saying they're totally awful and I'm certainly not trying to put you off buying them, it's just my personal opinion and don't let it affect your own!

Gallagher Girls 

The first series I don't plan on finishing is the Gallagher Girls series - I think I read two and a half of them before deciding that I just wasn't into them. I found myself finding all the characters pretty irritating and the plot dull. Plus, I think my book tastes have changed so I'm not even interested in the concept of these anymore!
If I Stay

I'm not sure if this quite counts as a series seeming as it's only two books long, but I've included it anyway. I found If I Stay way too slow and cliché for my taste, and could guess how it would end from the first chapter. I found the narrator, Mia, way too whiney and weak. I rated it 3 stars on Goodreads but to be honest it's more like a 1 or 2... I just used to be too nice to books.

The Iron Fey

I started the first book so many times, because I could barely get through half of it before giving up. But I pushed myself and eventually finished it, and then hated myself for reading a book I knew I wouldn't like from previous experience instead of finding my next favourite book. The writing was a little bit static for me and there were quite a lot of grammar mistakes - for example missing full stops and stuff, however that could just be the publisher's fault. I don't know about you, but lots of grammar mistakes make the book less enjoyable. I also found the plot a little bit on the ridiculous side, and the protagonist is just exasperating! 

Girl, Missing

Loads of my friends adore this series, and I certainly didn't hate it. In fact, I associate loads of good memories with the first book: one of my best friends invited me to go on holiday with her to England and I had such a great time, and I got this book for only a pound in Waterstones! I read it in less than a day and liked how fast-paced it was, but I just don't think I need to know the rest of the story - I'm fine with just reading the first book - I don't feel the need to read the others.

The Grisha

This one is a bit awkward - I thought I would love Shadow and Bone, as all my favourite Booktubers love it and it was constantly recommended to me by Goodreads. I also fell in love with the concept and the unusual setting - it's quite rare to find contemporary books set in Russia. I feel the same way about this as I do about the Girl, Missing series - I find the first book is enough, and I'm just not invested enough to continue. I know it ends on a cliffhanger, but even so... I was satisfied enough not to continue.


Matched #1 is probably the first 'proper' book where I remember just going 'nope'. I couldn't even get half way - it was so dull, and I didn't care about anyone or anything this book had to offer. It's a shame because the idea behind it is great, it just wasn't pulled off successfully enough in my opinion. I'm not quite sure why I still have the first book in my book shelves.

That's it for the moment - please tell me if you think it's worth me continuing with any of them, but to be honest the only ones I think I could be swayed to read are the Girl, Missing and The Grisha series. The others I'm just not interested in for the moment, however you never know, my mind could change suddenly!

India x